johnnyboys finds

johnnyboys finds

Saturday, May 16, 2015

1976 Reprints of The Eskimaux (Inuit) by Captain G.F.Lyon

These are 3 reproductions taken from the  'Journal of a Second Voyage for the Discovery of a North West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific performed in the Years 1821-22-23', by William Edward Parry  The drawings are by Captain G.F.Lyon and the steel engraving  by Edward Francis Finden.The voyage of exploration involved the British Royal Navy ships Fury and Hecla.
   The prints are from 1976 and were made with permission of The Lords Commissioners Of The Admiralty  AND are highly sought after.They are also the actual size of the original engravings, in mint condition and are in matching frames .

      The first print is " An Eskimaux watching a seal-hole" 1822  Measures 16.25 inches by 15.25 inches
Second print is "Eskimaux children dancing, Igloolik" 1823  Measures 16.25 inches by 15.25 inches
Third print is " Interior of an Eskimaux snow-hut, Winter Island" 1822 Measures 15.25 inches by 16.25 inches
A true piece of Canadian history and of the Inuit people during the search for the North West Passage.

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